Caddy Stories from the 1920’s
On 13 January 1978 George Peaker assembled a group of long standing members to capture their memories of the early days at East Devon Golf Club.
All of the participants (except George Peaker) had served as caddies in the early 1920’s. Their memories provide a fascinating record of life at the Club as well as providing an insight into the social history of East Devon in the first half of the 20th Century. Participating in the conversation were Arthur Robins; Charlie Norris; Len West; Jack Wilson; Len Seager; George Meers and Frank Harris.
The conversation has been re-edited into episodes that cover a wide range of topics from caddy earnings and adventures, professionals, members, ladies and green keeping with horses.
Thanks go to Bill Peaker for having the presence of mind to preserve his Father’s tapes and generously sharing them with the Club so that everyone can listen to a little of our history.